Server consolidation is an approach to the efficient usage of server resources in order to reduce the total number of servers or server locations that an organization requires. In principle, server consolidation requires a complete study of the utilization of server resources, the server efficiency values and the services/roles that any given server performs before attempting a consolidations. We utilize virtualization, resource isolation and optimization of opertaing system and resources to provide consolidation which often results in :
- Better failure resilence and higher redundancy resulting into better uptime
- Significant peroformance boost as compared to similar consolidation solutions
- Cntralized server resource management and tightly integrated system for better overall service provisioning
- Managed layout to lower the human resource required to manage the systems
- Significant reduction is energy consumption of the servers and the power required to cool the system reduces substantially

- Functional analysis of Server system and load study
- Hardware analysis and study of resource availability
- Design layout and trategy for consolidation
- System analysis and proposal for application of consolidation techniques such as Virtualization, detailed description of performance gains and improvement of redundancy/uptime after application of the proposed solution
- Presentation of the solution and discussions based on the sampled information
- Final approval from Infinity Technical Team/Head and task mapping for the solution to be realized.
- Backing up the current state of system/data and conforming about the functionality of all backups
- With minimal uptime impaction, application of solution
- Post application testing and analysis, with complete reports on performance gains, resource optimizations and improved failure resilence presented
- World class after sales support for all works undertaken.
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